Searching for the Wild Trillium
Ah - wandering into spring… dozens of morning voices call me from my snug cocoon of sleep. Blue Jays sound their wake-up call, goldfinches twitter “It is spring. Wake up – it is spring.” From the flycatcher to the woodpecker I hear their voices echoing, “It is spring.” Through the open window comes the sparrow’s cry, “Follow me.” Rustling through the woodland soft breezes whisper “Come and see.” How I wish I could share with you the melody of the morning.

Spring mornings such as this set me to dreaming about warblers and spring flowers…. Guess I may have a severe case of spring fever --- From what I have been reading on your blogs it sounds like it may be one of the things that is going around this time of the year. J At any rate, Along with the other voices that whisper to me this morning, I can hear the call of the wild trillium…. Do you hear it too? The call is irresistible – can you see it? - Deepest crimson nestled there under the trees, the sunlight casting a ruby glow on its petals? --- So - on with the walking shoes and out to the woods….

Winter stiffened muscles groan and moan as I wander down the trail. Traveling through new-green grasses, past hollow trees, along the sun kissed hillsides, nearly treading on the profusion of ferns not yet unfurled. I have to step carefully to get around Club mosses that look like tiny pine trees, which are growing in the middle of the path. The route is not difficult, gentle ups and downs. Every direction I look, new life surrounds me; buds and leaves, catkins and seeds fill the still open canopy over my head. High in the upper reaches of the treetops illusive warblers send their songs to encourage me as I wander along the pathway.
Soon the sounds of water splashing over the rocks draws my attention, as I hurry toward the stream, I stop to admire a miniature garden of moss and ferns at the base of a large oak tree… My breath catches… we have found the trillium!

'T is you that are the music, not your song.
The song is but a door which, opening wide,
Lets forth the pent-up melody inside,
Your spirit's harmony, which clear and strong
Sings but of you. Throughout your whole life long
Your songs, your thoughts, your doings, each divide
This perfect beauty; waves within a tide,
Or single notes amid a glorious throng.
The song of earth has many different chords;
Ocean has many moods and many tones
Yet always ocean. In the damp Spring woods
The painted trillium smiles, while crisp pine cones
Autumn alone can ripen. So is this
One music with a thousand cadences.
--- Poetry of Amy Lowell
For a lovely post about trillium visit:
kerrdelune Beyond the Fields We Know

Spring mornings such as this set me to dreaming about warblers and spring flowers…. Guess I may have a severe case of spring fever --- From what I have been reading on your blogs it sounds like it may be one of the things that is going around this time of the year. J At any rate, Along with the other voices that whisper to me this morning, I can hear the call of the wild trillium…. Do you hear it too? The call is irresistible – can you see it? - Deepest crimson nestled there under the trees, the sunlight casting a ruby glow on its petals? --- So - on with the walking shoes and out to the woods….

Winter stiffened muscles groan and moan as I wander down the trail. Traveling through new-green grasses, past hollow trees, along the sun kissed hillsides, nearly treading on the profusion of ferns not yet unfurled. I have to step carefully to get around Club mosses that look like tiny pine trees, which are growing in the middle of the path. The route is not difficult, gentle ups and downs. Every direction I look, new life surrounds me; buds and leaves, catkins and seeds fill the still open canopy over my head. High in the upper reaches of the treetops illusive warblers send their songs to encourage me as I wander along the pathway.
Soon the sounds of water splashing over the rocks draws my attention, as I hurry toward the stream, I stop to admire a miniature garden of moss and ferns at the base of a large oak tree… My breath catches… we have found the trillium!

'T is you that are the music, not your song.
The song is but a door which, opening wide,
Lets forth the pent-up melody inside,
Your spirit's harmony, which clear and strong
Sings but of you. Throughout your whole life long
Your songs, your thoughts, your doings, each divide
This perfect beauty; waves within a tide,
Or single notes amid a glorious throng.
The song of earth has many different chords;
Ocean has many moods and many tones
Yet always ocean. In the damp Spring woods
The painted trillium smiles, while crisp pine cones
Autumn alone can ripen. So is this
One music with a thousand cadences.
--- Poetry of Amy Lowell
For a lovely post about trillium visit:
kerrdelune Beyond the Fields We Know
Oh, trillium... we don't have them here, but I remember watching for them (trillia??). Thanks for the introduction to a fine poem by Amy Lowell. Another wonderful post, Endment.
Beautiful, it takes me back to some of the walks in my childhood when we were searching for plants to make terrariums, and looking at the new spring flowers!
WOW!! Beautiful!!
How many times have I wondered, as I walk on the hill in the early morning, how I could convey a sense of the whole woods ringing with bird songs and hummings of winged insects? I can't take pictures of those sounds. Would I bring out my cassette recorder to record them? No. Recording them is not the point. Being there is. I really don't need cameras or recording machines.
I wish too I could hear the melody of the birds you are hearing. The trillium would set me a foot searching for it. Our wildflowers are scarce this year with no rain. So it is nice to come here and see some.
Each of your entries is a dessert. I've never seen such beautiful flowers snapped by your camera. If I look closely enough, I can see a leaf moving in the breeze...
Thank you for bringing nature to my attention through your writings.
Beautiful photos. Where I grew up, the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, the farm I lived on had many white trilliums in the back pastures; but where I live now, the foothills of the Coast Range, I have to look long and hard to find any. I know a place one or two often can be found but they haven't appeared yet. What I loved about them is I was always told don't pick them as they will not come back if you do. It's like the beauty of the forest-- you have to leave it there. You brought some of it away with you to share with everyone else through the beautiful photos
Very beautiful. :-)
Oh, I love these!
I love trillium - the first spring walk when we find them in the filtered light is something I look forward to all winter :)
sigrid jardin
our walk is one that makes memories, the shaded hillside and creek simply call for one to come and explore.
thank you --- I will be watching for photos of your trilliums
alina chau, cynthia e. bagley and pris thank you for your comments. I love the colors.
you are right - the experience and the memories are enough --- I take pictures for friends who can't come and see for themselves.
I hope your "land of enchantment" will recieve the rain that is so greatly needed... It is so wonderful after a rain when everything bursts into bloom.
thanks so much for your comment
I used to enjoy hiking in the western mountains - so very different from the landscape here.
White trillium are not as common here as the red ones.
Beautiful writing, poem, photos. So glad you shared today. I was stuck at work all day! Walked at lunch but just not the same as a trek in the woods...
Beautiful! You are truely inspiring!
Beautiful photo and lovely words, too, Endment.
Thanks so much for your comment about the Black and White Tegu. They are very shy, very aloof, and they run quickly when I come close them.
The photos you post are beautiful. The most beautiful is your own.
I hope that I glow when I am your age.
oh my gosh-- I have to go back and check my husband's photos of the other day but I think he snapped that exact flower only I didn't know what it was and had always wanted to see trillium! how silly of me--
So beautiful. A wonderful walk with you, and I clearly heard the birds singing.
I've been ensconced in my coccoon too long. I need to walk into the forest primevil and see the wonders you describe. I've never heard of Trillium. But oh, how lovely. In a few weeks, I am off to Colorado, and the thing I look forward to most is walking a path with a conservationist who lives in the mountains with her daughter and granddaughter and mark and note the wonders of their natural habitat. Thank you for this lovely, soft chronicle.
Ah yes, I hear the trillium singing and as I listen I think I hear a song from you poetic and strong. Thank you.
Wow, this is the most magnificent writing on Spring which I have read in a very long time, and oh, those photos. . . . they are sublime!
I follow you through the woods, mesmerized by the magic you weave with your writing and photos. How enchanting! I know white trilliums but have never seen red ones - ruby red richness. The Amy Lowell poem is a perfect ending to this lovely walk with you. Thank you!
Thanks for your visit and your comment. Sounds like a lovely trip if I get to DC.
Thanks - I know what you mean - there are not many things that matching walking out in nature.
joy eliz
thank you
thanks for your visit
I am enjoying your blog
hope you find the photo of the trillium. We plan to go back again this week - we could see hundreds of leaves and buds just waiting for some sunlight.
rexroth's daughter
glad you came along - I am really enjoying the strolls along with you :)
You have a lot of lovely places to walk in Texas:)
art and soul
thank you so much
tim rice
glad you can hear the songs
trillium just ask to be photographed don't they... Love your trillium post!
pam in tucson
The poem is a perfect ending isn't it? I am so glad I found it!
Yea! You found them. Your shots as well as the poem you posted are beautiful.
glad you're back - missed you!
going to try to go back again later this morning.
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