Have some photos but Blogger won't let me post them today - SorryWhat state (or country) do you live in? NY, USA
How long have you been birding? 45+ years but I have only been keeping a life list since the early 1990’s
Are you a "lister"? I didn’t think so but discovered that we regularly make lists on birding trips
ABA Life List: 430
Overall Life List: ?
3 Favorite Birding Spots: Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, NY; Bentsen Rio Grande State Park, Texas; Desoto or LaSalle Wildlife Refuge, Iowa/Nebraska
Favorite birding spot outside your home country: Point Pelee, Ontario, Canada
Farthest you've traveled to chase a rare bird: There are so many left to see that I really haven’t gone bird chasing.
Nemesis bird: Probably a Northern Saw-whet Owl – we hear them but I have never seen one.
"Best" bird sighting: Blue Bunting at trailer loop camp #9 Bentsen Rio Grande State Park, Texas
Most wanted trip: Back to Waterton Lakes or a pelagic trip
Most wanted bird: For the moment- an Atlantic Puffin
What model and brand of bins do you use?: Whichever ones are handy but most frequently Bausch & Lomb because they are light weight
What model and brand of scope do you use?: Haven’t chosen one yet.
What was the last lifer you added to your list?: Black Guillemot
Where did you see your last lifer?: Acadia Park, Maine
What's the last bird you saw today?: Yellow-Rumped Warbler
Best bird song you've heard ever: Wood Thrush or California Thrasher
Favorite birding moment: First trip to South Texas - Sitting at a picnic table in Bentsen Rio Grande State Park and adding twenty birds to my life list in only a couple of hours.
Least favorite thing about birding: Bugs and those birders who blow smoke at me --- oh yes – poison ivy.
Favorite thing about birding: Seeing a new bird
Favorite field guide for the US: This is difficult – there are things I like about several but would love to combine them into one book ( I guess Petersons and National Geographic)
Favorite non-field guide bird book: Possibly a guide to birding sites but my bookshelves are so full I can’t pick.
Who is your birder icon: Can’t think of one unless it is John Muir
Do you have a bird feeder(s)? Yes
Favorite feeder bird? I really don’t think I have a favorite but the chickadees and nuthatches do entertain me greatly.
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Got this from Laura over at
Somewhere in New Jersey