Friday, July 03, 2009

Oh Is it July?

June - Rain ..... July - Rain .... plants, trees, ground, birds all covered with raindrops.
Hummingbirds are here in full force - babies are beginning to leave their nests and come with their parents to the feeders and flowers. They haven't yet reached last summer's level of drinking four quarts of syrup a day but they are emptying two quarts a day already. As soon as I carry a feeder out the door the birds are humming over my head and drinking from the feeding cones before I can even get it properly hung on its hook.
Flowers are opening only to be drenched by the rain before evening falls. Many of the plants are actually standing in water. Yet they continue to share their beauty --- blooms such as this Beard-tongue Penstemon attract the humming birds and take my breath away.
Each morning and evening we have been visited by one of five bears, a lone yearling, a large male or a momma with her twin cubs. We hang our feeders on the side of the house to avoid encouraging their visits but we are on the trail that takes them from the river to the mountain top --- through the blueberries :)

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Blogger Celia said...

The raindrops look like the jewels they are and that is a great hummingbird picture. We have hummingbirds too but so far they are not still enough to photo. Thanks for the view.

4:29 PM  
Blogger Tabor said...

Wonderful photos. I have NO hummingbirds this year. Not one! I am glad that yours are still going strong. I saw my first black bear in the mountains last week. I have seen the browns of Montana and Wyoming...but never our black bears. It was exciting.

6:59 AM  
Blogger Sky said...

i think i would need blood pressure meds if i lived where you do and had the wildlife ops you have. i would be in a constant state of excitement! fabulous photos. the one of the bear is, of course, the biggest thrill! we have hummers but they don't even drink enough nectar to empty the feeder before we change it to keep it clean. still, we love seeing them, and they do drink from the perennials as well.

i hope the rainy weather subsides quickly and summer's dry skies arrive and remain. please keep posting your photography treasures for us to enjoy!

8:43 AM  
Blogger robin andrea said...

You're still finding beauty, even with the drenching rains. I am amazed by your very regular bear visitors.

11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are having a run on the hummer feeders, too. They have even taken over the oriole feeder. The little guys don't seem to be bothered by the constant (and heavy at times) rain we have been having.

We DO NOT have bears! Have you ever been caught away from the house when one was passing?

Some of my plants have bloomed and gone by, during this wet spell. Thanks for giving the name of the penstemon. I am always looking for another good plant for hummers and butterflies.

5:32 PM  
Blogger Kay Cooke said...

What a beautiful treat to visit you! Simply wonderful. Thanks.

8:25 AM  
Blogger Viv said...

Clock is ticking...I'll actually see your garden soon. Our cabin isn't on a bear run but when they are hungry we see signs of upturned boulders. I wonder if our bear neighbor who lived near the road is still there...will report to you by last week of July.

5:58 PM  
Blogger kerrdelune said...

Oh, this is lovely, lovely, lovely!

3:59 PM  
Blogger daringtowrite said...

What a joy to be sitting right in the middle of all this beautiful nature. Despite the rain, I hope you are continuing to enjoy your wonderland.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a gentle trail through mine.

9:21 AM  
Blogger Crayons said...

Hi Endment,
I have missed visiting you. I have cut off the love affair with my Internet company. The service was unacceptably terrible. So I visit cafes now in order to blog.

I remember this post of yours. You know, my sister asked about you, "that excellent photographer from New York State."

I hope you are seeing many beautiful things each day.

1:51 PM  
Blogger gottago said...


I didn't have much time as I am getting ready for a 6 day photo workshop here in Jackson, WY, but I was cleaning out email and came across an email of yours. I saw that you have a blog and I visited it. I was immediately calmed down. You and I have seem to enjoy the same interest in wildlife. The only difference is, you seem to spend more of your time with the wildlife.

I love your photos, each and everyone. I could feel your excitement when realized you had your subject right in front of you.

Someday let's take a photo workshop together. What do you think?

Thanks for a pleasant experience viewing and reading your blog.

Linda Jeffers

10:03 PM  
Blogger Crayons said...

Dear Endment,

After 2 long months I finally got the keys to the universe: a new computer and better Internet service.

I miss your photos and your gentle, insightful words. I came by to knock on your door. I bet you are home but need some private time.

Be well.

9:39 AM  

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